Episode art for NPR’s podcast Invisibilia

The NPR podcast Invisibilia explores the invisible forces shaping human behavior, ideas, beliefs and assumptions. As an art director on three seasons of the podcast, I worked with hosts and producers on visually translating each season’s unique theme into compelling, emotional art.

For Season 3, the show took a darker turn into the human psyche. Each episode explored stories through a prism of varying perspectives and shifting realities — where the world isn’t quite as real as you might think. Artist Marina Muun’s dark, dreamsicle palette and conceptual explorations of otherwordly emotions encapsulated the tone of the season perfectly.

In previous seasons of the podcast, I worked with artists Sara Wong and Kristen Uroda.

Episode art was used to promote stories on NPR.org and Apple podcasts as well as live listening events and promotional items. I produced the visuals for multiple online features, spin-off content, and an animated video with artist Lily Padula which was later recognized by the Society of Illustrators with a gold award.


Illustration at NPR